CTET July 2013 – Paper – I (English Language) Answer Key

Directions : Answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
Q136. The bottom up model of curriculum is one where
A .learning is based on a set of software to make curriculum more learner friendly
B. the curriculum that allows freedom for student mobility with increased choice of curricular activity and encourages learning by doing
C. the learning process is geared towards career orientation
D. a need-based distance education with indirect influence on students

Q137. The Humanistic Approach is specifically tuned to the
A. mastery of academic disciplines with all their characteristic features.
B. application of learnt structure, content, concepts and principals to new situations.
C. processes that enable students to discover structures for themselves
D. process where sequence is taught along with how to present the related contents.

Q138. A ‘special needs language classroom’ is ideally
A. exclusively furnished
B. located separately
C. integrates all types of learners
D. has extra teachers to help regular teachers

Q139. One of the challenges of ‘Behaviour Manage a senior class is
A. students’ readiness to use the smart board
B. students’ lack of self study skills.
C. teachers’ preference to conduct group rather the individual work.
D. teachers’ lack of self confidence

Q140. To inculcate a ‘Never Give Up Attitude’, a suitable activity is the one when students
A. sang two popular songs and exhibited some of their art and craft works during the parent-teacher meet
B. made modifications to their paper planes and tested them again, experimented with the best way to get them to go the distance and shared their finding
C. in groups created graphs about the difficult situations that students have had to face in life
D. managed to get the Principal’s permission to go out and and play during the English period

Q141. Assessing reading at Class VII, can be done most effectively through a
A. spoken quiz based on the meanings of words and expressions
B. written test based the characters and events in the story/text
C. an oral interview to find out how much they have read
D. writing a 50 word book/text review as a small project

Q142. Curriculum development follows the following sequence:
A. Formulation of objectives, assessment of needs selection of texts/learning experiences,
B. Selection of texts/learning experiences, as of needs, formulation of objectives, evaluation
C. Assessment of needs, formulation of objective of texts/learning experiences, experiences, evaluation
D. Formulation of objectives, assessment of needs evaluation, selection of texts/learning experiences,

Q143. The learning experiences that offer experience to learners are
.A real objects and specimens
B. abstract words, case study
C. display boards, film clips
D. field trips, observations that offer a vicarious

Q144. In Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), the simulation mode’ is where learners
A. experience real life systems and phenomena
B. receive bits of information followed by questions with immediate feedback
C. a series of exercises with repetition practice
D. get problems which are solved by a process of trial and error.

Q145. A ‘listening stimulus’
A. presents input to separate groups of students who gather again to share what they listened
B. presents an information gap activity such as giving directions
C. is listening to a good commentary to review it.
D. enables students to discuss a set of criteria which they prioritize to complete and present a task.

Q146. The ‘interactional routine’ during speaking assessment includes a
A. negotiating meanings, taking turns and allowing others to take turns.
B. describing one’s school or its environs informally
C. “telephone conversation with another
D. comparing two or more objects/places/events for the assessor.

Q147. Retrieval skills in writing are:
A. note making and note taking
B. diagramming and summarizing
C. abilities to do extensive reference work
D. organizing information while reading/listening

Q148. ‘Awareness raising’ grammar games encourage students
A. think consciously about the structures they have learnt.
B. collaborate in completing a given activity.
C. engage and feel about human relationships while the teacher controls the structures.
D. use learnt structures to communicate with one another about a given theme.

Q149. Language acquisition
A. is the memorization and use of necessary vocabulary.
B. involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary.
C. refers to the process of learning a native or a second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain.
D. is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children learn their native language.

Q150. Noah Chomsky’s reference to “deep structures” means a
A. hidden set of grammatical rules learnt through intensive study
B. transformational grammar that has led in turn to increased interest in comparative linguistics.
C. a trend that English is the most common auxiliary language in the world
D. universal grammar underlying all languages and corresponding to an innate capacity of the human brain.

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