CTET November 2012 – Paper – I (English Language) Answer Key

Directions (Qus. No. 136 to 144) : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
1. Nammescong Creek flowed into the backs of my thighs as I fished, pausing between casts to secure my balance in the current and admire a new hatch of pale yellow mayflies lift from the stream. Over my shoulder, the sun dropped into a farmer’s cornfield, the final patch of orange light on the water enough for me to spot the small, vaguely metallic object at my feet. Retrieving it, I ran my thumb over its raised lettering, rubbing away the mud and a string of algae. A name appeared, along with an expiration date. June 1984. I had discovered arrowheads here in the past, so it didn’t seem misplaced to find a tool used by modern man to obtain a meal.
2. I took a moment to consider how the card had come to rest in the bed of the Nammy. I thought may be there was a story in it. I was curious to know if the owner had lost his wallet while fishing, the whole trip ruined the second he’d inventoried his cash or dug out his license for a game warden. Over time the leather would’ve rotted into fish food, with the scoured plastic remaining. I wondered how many miles the card might have ridden on spring floods over the past quarter of a century. For all I knew he could’ve been robbed, the thieves stripping out the money and tossing the billfold away later as they crossed a bridge.
3. Looking him up and phoning, I recited the card number and issuing bank. He laughed, recalling it as the first credit account he’d ever taken out, a line of imaginary cash in those years when he had no real money. But that finally changed, he explained, after an industrial accident cost him his left eye, the payoff from the plant enabling him to retire eight years earlier than expected and move to a small hobby farm in southern Virginia. He told me a glass eye wasn’t his style, so he had taken to wearing an eyepatch, which his wife still hates and his grandchildren – ages three, five, and seven – have always loved, as it makes Grandpop look like a pirate. He called them his Miracle Grandbabies, born to a daughter who struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for years – her rock-bottom in 1984, a year before she cleaned up for good.
4. But in the end the man couldn’t remember ever losing his wallet, either by accident or theft. He said he’d never fished the Nammy, that, in fact, he’d always thought the sport a little boring, and so I came to realize there was no story here..
Q136. “Flowed into the backs of my thighs” informs the reader that the narrator was fishing while
A. walking across the river
B. sitting on the river bank
C. his legs were hanging in the river
D. standing in the river

Q137. ‘Scoured’ means
A. discoloured
B. drenched
C. cleaned
D. bent shapeless

Q138. “….a tool used by modern man to obtain a meal” i this context is a/some
A. Credit Card
B. fishing rod
C. money
D. coins

Q139. “The whole trip ruined’ was because of the
A. narrator’s attention being diverted by his find
B. sudden appearance of mayflies
C. loss of the wallet, for its owner’ who had given u his/her holiday
D. orange sunlight falling on the water thereby disturbing the fish

Q140. By ‘looking him up’, the narrator
A. found out about him through various sources
B. referred to a telephone directory
C. attempted to meet the owner’ personally
D called him up through an operator

Q141. ‘A small hobby farm’ would be
A. a farm run without any profit
B. an open space where rare animals are cared for
C. a small zoo in the backyard
D. a commmercially successful farm

Q142. The owner’s daughter had cleaned up by
A. choosing to stay with her parents
B. getting married
C. having two children
D. giving up a destructive lifestyle

Q143. There was no story because
A. the reality did not live up to his imagination
B. what he found out showed that the owner’s’ life lacked adventure
C. he was disappointed that the ‘owner’ was well to do
D. the owner’ did not share his interest in fishing

Q144. A word in the story that means ‘soar’ is
A. rub
B. born
C. lift
D. plant

Directions (Qus. No. 145 to 150): Read the passage given Below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
1. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has served as a catalyst in many school improvement efforts. Schools in the United States are responding to meet the challenge of these improvement efforts, although in doing so, some are caught in a decision-making and funding quagmire. They ask, “How can we best support teachers so that all students can succeed?” Using technology as a means of closing achievement gaps is one option schools are considering more purposefullys and effectively. This includes using technologies for students with special needs and ca a systemic approach to change that benefits all stud
including subgroups.
2. Assistive technologies are technologies that support students with disabilities, of which a total of 6.5 million were being served through the Individuals via Disabilities Education Act of 1997. This Act defines assistive technology device as “any item, piece equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability.” Regardless of their previous experience, many administrators and educators are expected to be change agents of school improvement efforts today and be well versed and knowledgeable about assistive technologies, despite the fact that the definition of assistive technology is so
broad and the field is relatively new.
Q145. “Schools found themselves in a funding quagmire.” Here, ‘quagmire’ means
A. quicksand
B. boggy area
C. isolation
D. indebtedness

Q146. According to this report, ‘achievement gaps can be closed by : –
A. recruiting and training moral personnel to help the special needs children
B. investing on more reference books in the library
C. conducting after school special classes for weak students
D. getting more financial support from the government

Q147. Functional capabilities constitute the
A. exceptional talent in academic or literary activities
B. ability to go for higher studies
C. the skills to cope with everyday challenges
D. the determination to succeed

Q148. A product system’ here means
A. products that are freely accessible to schools only
B. services or financial investments that are not commercially value-adding
C. important resources not available to the disable
D. special training equipment designed for disable children

Q149. Find a word in the report that means ‘widely circulated’
A. change
B. systemic
C. achievement
D. product

Q150. The antonym for the word ‘hindering would A. customized
A. Customized
B. challenge
C. disability
D. assistive

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