Police Constable Solved Paper 2017
Himachal Pradesh Police Constable 2017 का हल प्रश्न पत्र है, जो की आगामी police परीक्षाओं में मददगार साबित होगा , इस प्रश्न पत्र में कोई त्रुटी या सुझाऊ हो तो प्लीज कमेंट करे , हम आगे भी आप के लिए प्रीवियस पेपर्स और मॉडल पेपर्स लाते रहेंगे।
Exam Paper: HP Police constable paper
Total question: 80
Total Marks: 80
Time Duration: 1 hrs
Q1. How is You know well ‘enough’ what I mean
(A) Adjective & Adverb
(B) Noun & Verb
(C) Conjunction & Preposition
(D) Adverb & Preposition
Direction (Q. no. 2-3) In each question below a sentence with four words printed it type is given. They are numbered as (A) (B) (C) and (D). One of these words print bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find this word and the number of the word is your answer. Choose the correct meaning of the following IDIOMS.
Q2. His behavior compelled me to give him a piece of my mind”
(A) Scold him
(B) Pardon him
(C) Make him my friend
(D) Take him into confidence
Q3. In black and white
(A) In short
(B) Useless
(C) In writing
(D) In full swing
Direction (Q. no. 4-5) Out of the four given alternatives, choose the one which correct stands for each expression.
Q4. Public declaration by a political party, ruler, etc. of principles and policy
(A) Promise
(B) Advertisement
(C) Manifesto
(D) Blue book
Q5. Custom of having more than one husband at the same time.
(A) Polyandry
(B) Polygamy
(C) Monogamy
(D) Bigamy
Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning of the world print BOLD.
(A) Small
(B) New
(C) Orthodox
(D) Modern
(A) Affected
(B) Poor
(C) Uneducated
(D) Usual
Direction (Q. no. 8-9) In each of the following questions a sentence contains a blank space. You have to choose from options (A), (B),(C) and (D) and fill the blank in such a manner that it completes the sentence in the most meaningful grammatically appropriate manner.
Q8. Tonight’s game was……. because of the rain
(A) struck off
(B) called off
(C) winning
(D) played
Q9. …………..heaving worked really hard in office, Vikas did not get the much expected promotion.
(A) In spite of
(B) On
(C) Since
(D) Despite off
Choose the word/phrase below which is most nearly the same in meaning to th word/phrase in BOLD.
(A) Superior
(B) Bonus
(C) Payable
(D) Promotional
(A) Threaten
(B) Show
(C) Encourage
(D) Alert
Direction (Q. no. 12 – 13) In each question below a sentence with four words printed bold type is given. They are numbered as (A) (B) (C) and (D). One of these words printe in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out this word and the number of the word is your answer.
Q12. It is better to SEEK ADVICE from a Financial CONSULTANT on how to SAFE your business
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Q13. On two CONSECUTIVE nights two greatest ICONES of show business were honour with with UNPRECEDENTED AFFECTION
(A) (B) (C) (D)
In the following passage, ther are blank spaces which have been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four wordsare suggested one of which fits appropriately.
The emperor of China had …14… some peaches to the king of Turkey with a note …15… in that the fruit gives long life to anyone who eats them. As the fruits were being shown to the ruler Ram giving into the temptation …16… up one of the luscious peaches and bit into it
(A) reached
(B) picked
(C) take
(D) secured
(A) parcel
(B) grown
(C) bought
(D) Sent
(A) stating
(B) attach
(C) stuck
(D) telling
Q17. निम्नलिखित में से अशुद्ध वाक्य कौन सा है?
(A) बाघ बकरी एक घाट में पानी पीते हैं
(B) वहाँ बहुत भीड़ है।
(C) श्रीकृष्ण के अनेकों नाम हैं।
(D) हमारे शिक्षक बहुत अच्छे हैं।
Q18. निम्न में से कुसुम’ का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है।
(A) कमल
(B) पुष्य
(C) सुमन
(D) प्रसून
Q19. “ताप’ शब्द का विलोम_________ होता है।
(A) तम्
(B) तामसिक
(C) शरद
(D) शीत
Q20. “लकीर का फकीर होना ।
(A) सरल जीवन यापन करना
(B) परम्परावादी होना
(C) झाड़फूक पर विश्वास करना
(D) आडम्बर विरोधी होना।