Directive Principles of State Policy

Indian Polity MCQ’s : Directive Principles of State Policy

11. Under the directive principle of state policy, up to what age of children they are expected to be provided free and compulsory education?
A. 14 Years 
B. 15 Years
C. 16 Years 
D. 18 Years 

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Answer – A

12. Which part of the Indian constitution deals with the directive principle of the state policy?
A. Part I 
B. Part III
C. Part IV 
D. Part V 

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Answer – C

13. The article of the constitution of India which deals with the directive principle of state policy is?
A. 26 to 41
B. 30 to 45
C. 36 to 51 
D. 40 to 55

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Answer – C

14. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. Fundamental duties- Part IV-A
B. Directive principles of State policy- Part IV
C. Fundamental rights- Part III 
D. none of these

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Answer – D

15. Consider the following statements:

1. The fundamental Rights and Directive Principles together have been described as the ‘conscience of the Constitution’ by Granville Austin
2. DPSP are in the nature of directives to all governments of the country, Central, State as well as local.
3. Supreme Court has held that Fundamental Rights and DPSP are distinct schemes and DPSP can override Fundamental Duties.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

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Answer – A

16. which article under DPSP proposes for the separation of the Judiciary from the executive?
A. Art. 51
B. Art. 50
C. Art. 49
D. Art. 48

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Answer – B

17. Protection of wildlife comes under which of the following in India?
A. Fundamental Right
B. Fundamental Duty
D. Both B & C

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Answer – D

18. Who among the following said this? ” Directive Principles of State Policy are like a cheque on a bank payable at the convenience of the bank”?
A. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Prof. K T Shah
C. Dr. B R Ambedkar
D. KM Munshi 

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Answer – B

19. Which among the following is correct regarding Directive Principles?
A. Positive Injunctions
B. Negative Injunctions
C. Justifiable Injunctions
D. None of the above

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Answer – A

20. Supreme court ruled that ” the fundamental rights and Directive Principles ” are in fact supplementary to each other and together constitute an integrated scheme”. This is known as which of the following?
A. Doctrine of Pith & Substance
B. Doctrine of Colorable Legislation
C. Doctrine of Colorable Executive
D. Doctrine of Harmonization

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Answer – D