Fundamental rights

Indian Polity MCQ’s : Fundamental rights

21. Right to education to all children between the age of 6 to 14 year is-
A. Included in the Directive Principle of State Policy
B. A fundamental Right
C. A Statutory Right
D. None of the above

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Answer – B

22. Who headed the committee appointed by the Constituent Assembly to finalise the fundamental Rights of Indian Citizens? 
A. B.N.Rau 
B. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar 
C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 
D. Sardar Patel

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Answer – D

23. Which Amendment to the Constitution inserted a new Article 21 A providing Right to Education in the Constitution?
A. 86th Amendment
B. 87th Amendment
C. 88th Amendment
D. 89th Amendment

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Answer – A

24. Which provision relating to the Fundamental Right is Directly related to the exploitation of children?
A. Article 17
B. Article 19
C. Article 23
D. Article 24

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Answer – D

25. The Word ‘Hindus’ in Article 25 of the Constitution of India does not include?
A. Buddhists
B. Jains
C. Sikhs
D. Parsees 

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Answer – D

26. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of Indian removed the following right from the category of Fundamental Right?
A. Freedom of speech
B. Constitutional remedies
C. Property
D. Freedom of religion

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Answer – C

27. In the Indian Constitution the Right Equality is granted by five Article. They are
A. Article 13 to Article 17
B. Article 14 to Article 18
C. Article 15 to Article 19
D. Article 16 to Article 20

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Answer – B

28. Which Article of the constitution of India says, No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment?
A. Article 24
B. Article 45
C. Article 330
D. Article 368

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Answer – A

29. According to the National Human rights Commission (NHRC) Act, 1993, who amongst the following can be its Chairman?
A. Any serving judge of the Supreme Court
B. Any serving judge of the high court
C. Only a retired Chief Justice of Indian
D. Only a retired Chief Justice of High Court

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Answer – C

30. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in Indian Constitution?
A. Supreme Court
B. Parliament
C. Constitution
D. President

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Answer – A