61. Which of tho following is not a feature of computer?
(A) Speed
(B) Storage
(C) Economy
(D) Reliability
62. Computer software is divided mainly in which categories ? Choose the most appropriato option.
(A) System software
(B) User software
(C) Application software and System software
(D) Application software and User software
63. Which of the following is not a part of operation of instruction cycle?
(A) Fetch
(B) Indirect
(C) Execute
(D) Memory
64. The system bus is separated into three functional groups. Choose the most appropriate option from the following:
(A) Data bus, Address bus and Control bus
(B) Star bus, Mesh bus and Data Bus
(C) Control bus, Data bus and Star bus
(D) Address bus, Star bus and Mesh bus
65. For converting raw input data into useful information, all computer systems perform the following basic process :
(A) Input – Store – Process – Output – Control
(B) Input – Process
(C) Process – Control – Output
(D) Input – Store – Output
66. If a computer has more than one proconsor. then it is known as
(A) Uniprocessor
(B) Multiprocessor
(C) Multithreaded
(D) Multiprogramming
67. Which of the following terms is defined by “A step by step description of how to arrive at a solution to a given problem” ?
(A) Algorithm
(B) Program
(C) Software
(D) Hardware
68. From the following, where does the actual instruction execute during data processing?
(A) Arithmetic logic unit
(B) Information unit
(C) Storage unit
(D) Output unit
69. Currently which generation computers are we using?
(A) 2nd
(B) 5th
(C) 6th
(D) 3rd
70. Which device among the following is used for sending digital data over a phone line?
(B) Scanner
(C) Printer
(D) Modem
71. The computer system can store any kind of data in the form of O’s and 1’s which is known as
(A) Binary number system
(B) Number system
(C) Text number system
(D) Number unit
72. BCD stands for
(A) Binary Coded Decimal
(B) Bit Control Decimal
(C) Binary Code Device
(D) Byte Coded Data
73. Auxiliary memory is popularly known as
(A) Primary Storage
(B) Secondary Storage
(C) Random Access Storage Device
(D) Processing Unit
74. Flash drive is popularly known as
(A) Microprocessor
(D) Pen drive
75. WORM stands for
(A) Write Once, Read Many
(B) Write Read Memory
(C) Wipe Only Read Memory
(D) Read Write Memory
76. Choose the compile-time error from following options :
(A) Logic error
(B) Syntax error
(C) Application error
(D) Testing error
77. Convert the decimal fraction number 0.8125 into its binary equivalent.
(A) 0.1111
(B) 0.111
(C) 0.0011
(D) 0.1101
78. Convert the decimal number 759 into its equivalent octal number.
(A) 1365
(B) 1752
(C) 1367
(D) 1771
79. Data entry cannot be captured by which of the following options?
80. feature of MS Word helps to create a list in a document.
(A) Word Art
(B) Scaling
(C) Bullets and Numbering
(D) Word Wrap
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