UPPSC PCS Pre exam Paper 2 (CSAT) – 15 December 2019 (Answer Key)

Instruction for Question Nos. 21 to 25. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school; and not to travel. That young men travel under soine tutor or grave servant, I allow well; so that he be such a one that hath the language, and hath been in the country before; whereby he may be able to tell them what things are worthy to be seen in the country, where they go, what acquaintances they are to seek, what exercises or discipline the place yieldeth; for else young men shall go hooded and look abroad little. It is a strange thing, that in sea voyages, where there is nothing to be seen but sky and sea, men should make diaries; but in land travel, where in so much is to be observed, for the most part they omit it; as if chance were Pitter to be registered than observation; let diaries, therefore, be brought in use. The things to be seen and observed are, the courts of princes, especially when they give audience to ambassadors; the courts of justice, while they sit and hear causes.

  1. One should visit the courts of princes when the princes are
    (a) dinning with ambassadors
    (b) listening to ambassadors
    (c) instructing the ambassadors
    (d) talking to ambassadors

  2. Who learns from traveling ?
    (a) old persons
    (b) tutor
    (c) young men
    (d) grave servant

  3. Who tells about the things to be seen in the country one is travelling ?
    (a) young men
    (b) elder people
    (c) tutor
    (d) stranger

  4. What is NOT important for travelling in a country?
    (a) knowledge of the language of that country
    (b) diary
    (c) company of a person who already knows the place
    (d) company of the family members

  5. The rod The grave servant accompanying the traveller must have
    (a) already visited the country of the travel
    (b) acquaintance with reputed persons
    (c) undertaken sea voyages
    (d) knowledge of keeping diaries

  6. Change the following sentence into a simple sentence.
    The Institution is as bad as it could be.’
    (a) The Institute is thoroughly bad.
    (b) The Institute is so bad that we cannot live.
    (c) The Institute is too bad to say anything.
    (d) The Institute is not only bad but also good.

27.  Select the word as an appropriate meaning the given word ‘Vandal’ from the follow
(a) One who destroys works of art.
(b) One who creates works of art.
(c) One who does not mix freely with others
(d) One who is present everywhere.

  1. Choose the correct meaning of the Phrase “Zero hour”.
    (a) 12 O’clock at night.
    (b)) The hour when an operation begins.
    (C) The hour when the sun rises.
    (d) The hour when the sun sets.

  2. Find out the correct indirect narration of the following direct speech. John looked at the Taj and said “How magnificent!”
    (a) John looked at the Taj and told that how magnificent it is.
    (b) John looked at the Taj and exclaimed with surprise that it was very magnificent.
    (c) John looked at the Taj and asked that how magnificent.
    (d) None of the above

  3. Change the given sentence into passive voice. Everyone loves him.
    (a) He is loved by all.
    (b) He loves everyone.
    (c) He was loved by everyone.
    (d) He is loved by everyone.

  4. Fill in the blank in the given sentence by choosing the correct option. the clock, it is twenty minutes fast.
    (a) up
    (b) down
    (c) off
    (d) back

  5. Correct the following expression. Both he as well as his son were present.
    (a) Both, he and his son, was present.
    (b) Both of them he and his son were present.
    (c) Both he and his son were present.
    (d) Both he and his son has been present

  6. Which of the following is wrongly spelt?
    (a) Hopeful
    (b) Truely
    (c) Wholly
    (d) Awful

  7. tu wul ect part of speech/word class of the
    Choose the correct part of speech/word word “interesting” in the following sentence. This book is interesting.
    (a) auxiliary
    (b) adverb
    (c) adjective
    (d) noun

  8. Choose the correct option. This Pen is much
    (a) cheaper
    (b) more cheaper
    (c) the cheaper than that.
    (d)’ cheapest

  9. विकास 49 छात्रों की एक कक्षा में 18 वें क्रम पर है। आखि से उसका क्रम क्या है ?
    (a) 19
    (b) 31
    (c) 32
    (d) 33

  10. क्या भारत में स्कूली शिक्षा से निःशुल्क कर देना चाहिए ।
    I. हाँ, साक्षरता के स्तर को सुधारने का यही एकमात्र उपाय है।
    II. आर्थिक ढाँचे पर पहले से ही भारी बोझ और अधिक बढ़ जाएगा।
    नीचे दिए कूट से सही उत्तर चुनिए :
    (a) केवल तर्क I प्रबल है।
    (b) केवल तर्क । प्रबल है।
    (c) तो तर्क और न तर्क । प्रबल है।
    (d) की दोनों तर्क तथा ।। प्रबल है।

  11. रतन, पवन के 40 मीटर दक्षिण-पश्चिम में है । यदि ललन पवन के 40 मीटर दक्षिण-पूर्व में है, तो ललन, रतन के किर दिशा में है?
    (a) पश्चिम
    (b) उत्तर-पूर्व
    (c) दक्षिण
    (d) पूर्व

  12. निम्नलिखित समूह में कौन-सा इनमें नहीं है ?
    (a) आँख
    (b) कान
    (c) दाँत
    (d) ठुड्डी

  13. संख्याओं 4.6, 0, 9.3, -4.8, 7.6, 2.3, 12.7, 3.5, 8.2, 6.1, 3.9,  5.2 की माध्यिका क्या है ?
    (a) 3.8
    (b) 4.9
    (c) 5.7
    (d) 6.0

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