Q136. Learning a ‘new language after puberty leads to …… of a foreign language.
A. difficulty in acquisition
B. normal acquisition
C. greater mastery
D. loss of mastery
Q137. An activity that requires a class to design and present a Power Point on the importance of water conservation in a target language is a …… activity.
A. multidisciplinary
B. science project
C. group
D. language practice
Q138. To enable students to distinguish between academic and spoken forms of a target language in a bilingual class, they should be encouraged to
A. speak in the target language
B. read more books written in the target language
C. write more in the target language
D. watch more related bilingual films
Q139. Providing learning support to pupils who lag far behind their counterparts in school performance includes
A. giving more activities for language practice
B. providing extra notes and coaching
C. allowing them to complete assignments without time limits
D. initially adapting school curricula and teaching strategies
Q140. Enriching the curriculum for learners who are gifted and talented
A. give them leadership roles in class activities
B. increase complexity of curriculum for them to experience a wider variety of language and
opportunities for creativity
C. promote them to a higher class so that they are exposed to a more difficult syllabus
D. introduce a foreign language
Q141. Identify the false assumption. Language course-books prescribed for students should provide
A. detailed lesson-plans for teachers
B. suggested sequence of teaching procedures
C. balanced presentation of information
D. organized units of learning experiences
Q142. Students who do not have the opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom, demonstrate much lower levels of language competency. This can be overcome by
A. conducting tests periodically to motivate them to learn
B. giving them a set of commonly used sentences and vocabulary which they are expected to use
C. setting separate tasks which are easier, with more time to complete them.
D. engaging them in specific language focused tasks which are indirectly monitored by their group leaders
Q143. A foreign/non-mother tongue language teacher often faces the problem of a class full of reluctant, unmotivated learners. This can be helped by
A. using methods and strategies to motivate and make learning more challenging in the class
B. taking the help of an academic counselor who will address the class
C. identifying the students who are unmotivated’ and taking a special class for them
D. encouraging learners to take their own time to …complete assignments
Q144. Language learners learn to do by doing. Which activity supports this observation?
A Opportunities to practice as it helps with habit formation
B. Encourage the use of their mother tongue to promote better understanding of the meaning of a prescribed text .
C. Go from concrete to abstract texts
D. The teacher models the writing and speaking styles which learners copy
Directions (Q. Nos. 145 to 150): Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
Our consumption of palm oil is rocketing : Commitments from various governments to increase the amount of bio fuels being sold are pushing this rise in demand, because they’re seen as an attractive quick fix to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. India wanted 20 per cent of its diesel to be biodiesel by 2012. The irony is that these attempts to reduce the impact of climate change could actually make things worse-clearing forests and draining and burning “peat lands’ to grow palm oil which releases more carbon emissions than burning fossil fuels. But this phenomenal growth of the palm oil industry spells disaster for local communities, biodiversity, and climate change as palm plantations encroach further and further into forested areas where the emission of greenhouse gases is largely due to deforestation. For example, much of the current and predicted oil palm expansion is taking place on forested ‘peat lands’. Peat locks up huge amounts of carbon, so clearing ‘peatlands’ by draining and burning releases huge greenhouse gases. The Round table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) had established clear ethical and ecological standards for producing palm
destruction has continued unabated ……….. On the oil. But since then, forest destruction has continued.
Q145. The passage is about the impact of ……… environment.
A. destruction of peatlands
B. palm oil industries
C. drilling for diesel fuel
D loss of communities
Q146. Peatlands are natural .
A. means to suppress carbon emissions
B. causes of environmental destruction
C. sources of biofuels when burnt
D. sources of diesel
Q147. The phrase in the passage which means ‘speedy remedy
A. phenomenal growth
B. quick fix
C. current and predicted
D. draining and burning
Q148. The synonym of the word ‘irony’ is
A. respect
B. reality
C. praise
D. paradox
Q149. The RSPO was convened to
A. control destructive practices in palm oil production
B. control the burning of peatlands
C. rehabilitate local communities
D. force the closure of palm oil industries
Q150. The passage suggests that RSPO’s efforts to carry out its responsibility has been
A. mostly successful
B. mostly a failure
C. No information in the passage
D. partly successful
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